Tereza Yerimyan: What is happening in Artsakh is not only the fault of Azerbaijan, but also of the US

September 07 2023, 10:12

Opinion | Politics

Biden is the US president who recognized the 1915 Armenian Genocide; however, he does not recognize the genocide happening before his eyes, Tereza Yerimyan, Government Affairs Director of Armenian National Committee of America, said on Alpha News live.

“If we listen to Ocampo, we will see that he does not blame Azerbaijan. Instead, he says that the United States, seeing that genocide is taking place in Artsakh, becomes an accomplice of Azerbaijan by remaining silent. Biden is the US president who recognized the 1915 Armenian Genocide; however, he does not recognize the genocide happening before his eyes,” Tereza Yerimyan said.

According to her, Ocampo’s speech is more than important now, because it is said that what is happening in Artsakh is not only the fault of Azerbaijan, but also of the United States.

“Negotiations are taking place between Armenia, Azerbaijan, and the United States over Artsakh’s future. It is important that the US president feels pressure that he should bring to the negotiation table neither Armenia nor Azerbaijan. He should give a voice to Artsakh, because it is the people of this country that are under blockade,” Yerimyan concluded.