The US’s main goal is to turn everyone against Russia – Edward Lozansky

July 03 2024, 10:00

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Edward Lozansky, the President of the American University in Moscow, commented on the statement by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that now there is an extraordinary opportunity to realize peace agreements between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

“The US controls almost all former republics, and it wants to turn them against Russia. The last trick with Georgia was that when Georgia tried to adopt the same law that exists in America, it was accused of being Putin’s agents. The United States is interested in playing the main role in resolving this conflict, and then, using this, turns both countries (Armenia and Azerbaijan) against Russia. This is the main goal of US foreign policy.

If we talk about US foreign policy in general and Blinken personally, not a single word of theirs can be trusted. Blinken is trying to play the role of a peacemaker in resolving the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The US cares least about the interests of the two peoples; its interest is to contain Russia and inflict a strategic defeat on it. It does not even hide this in its statements,” Lozansky said.