This does not show a change in the overall position — Alexander Dudchak on Pashinyan’s statement that insults against Russia are unacceptable

September 03 2024, 11:30

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Alexander Dudchak, a leading researcher at the Institute of CIS Countries, PhD in Economics, commented on Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s statement that the basic principle of Yerevan’s relations with the Russian authorities is mutual respect and that insults against Russia are unacceptable.

According to the expert, Pashinyan’s words will not affect his overall policy.

“This does not show a change in position. This shows a change in the tone of a particular press conference. I do not think that this will affect the overall policy that Pashinyan pursues towards the West and Russia. Still, it should be noted that openly Russophobic, anti-Russian attacks are not supported by all citizens of Armenia. I believe that no one is interested in spoiling relations with Russia. They [the Armenian authorities] distort information and present it in their own light, in a way that is beneficial to the West, first of all, but not everyone believes in it,” Dudchak said.

According to the political scientist, one should not be deluded by Pashinyan’s statement.

“Accusing Russia of all sins, saying that Russia is to blame for the loss of Karabakh, would be ridiculous, of course, if it were not so sad. I do not think that his statement alone says that Pashinyan decided to act in the interests of the Armenian people and not in the interests of Paris, Brussels, Washington, or someone else there. Many things are intertwined in the center of influence of the West. So let’s not delude ourselves,” Dudchak concluded.