‘This visit shows support for Pashinyan’: expert on CIA deputy director’s visit to Armenia

May 23 2024, 20:20


Russian military observer Viktor Litovkin commented on the visit of David Cohen, the deputy director of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), to Armenia.

“The American spy wants to know how real the situation is in Armenia, what prospects Pashinyan has for resigning or staying in the office, and what is really happening in Armenia in general. You know that there are a large number of NGOs in Armenia, the largest US Embassy is in Armenia, there are many Americans there, so the American side does not need detailed information.

But the personal impressions of that person and the talks with the leading politicians of the second and third levels of the country will allow Americans to draw their own conclusions about the prospects of staying in the country, cooperation and other opportunities, and what benefits they can get from the events that are happening in Armenia,” he said.

According to the expert, the fact of the visit itself is a certain message, which proves the support of the current leadership of the country.

“The American spy’s visit to Armenia is an element of supporting Pashinyan. This is support for the fact that Pashinyan is pursuing a policy that is beneficial to the United States, because the main thing for the United States is to push Russia out of the South Caucasus. Thus, the goal is to strengthen positions in those areas, to influence Iran or to control Azerbaijan, Georgia, etc., and to get some additional privileges,” Litovkin concluded.