This will be a system in which Armenia will have the role of an attack dog against Iran – Anatoly Matviychuk

August 01 2024, 15:25


Speaking with Alpha News, Russian military expert Anatoly Matviychuk commented on the statement by US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia James O’Brien regarding the need to distance Armenia from Russia and lay a land route from Central Asia to Europe through Armenia and Azerbaijan, bypassing Russia and China.

“The fact is that since the end of the 19th century, the Anglo-Saxons—as soon as they found oil in this region—were constantly trying to take it away from Russia and make detours. Now they are trying to pull Armenia, which has been Russia’s ally and companion all its life, away from Russia and try to make this trade route through its territory, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey, bypassing Iran. You know, this is a way to nowhere. It is, if you will, a neo-colonial policy that is trying to incorporate the South Caucasus into its system that bypasses and slows Russia down,” Matviychuk said.

According to the expert, the arrival of Western countries in Armenia in place of Russia will be a guarantee of solving their narrowly focused tasks—not at all for the benefit of Armenia. Armenia will have its own negative role in this scheme.

“Russia has been offering a helping hand to Armenia all its life. If Russia leaves, France, NATO countries, and, of course, the US will come, which will solve their personal problems while ignoring Armenia’s problems. We should also understand that this will be a system of isolation for Iran, in which Armenia will have the role of an attack dog that will have to ‘growl’ at Iran,” the expert concluded.