Tigran Khanjaryan makes it to finals in Belgian show Starmaker

February 07 2024, 19:17


 Armenian singer Tigran Khanjaryan has made it to the finals of the Belgian show Starmaker. The contest is held in several stages, with the participants trying to impersonate pop stars during their performances.

Talking to NEWS.am STYLE, Tigran noted that he ended up in the contest thanks to his mother, who had applied for participation without informing him. 

“What a surprise it was when I was contacted by a famous Belgian TV channel and informed that I was selected to participate in the preliminary stage of the show and that I had to go to a meeting to show my musical abilities. It was really a very unexpected and pleasant surprise.” 

Tigran went through two qualifying rounds in which he performed songs by Charles Aznavour, Johnny Halliday, and a number of other famous singers.

“I was excited because it was the first time I participated in such a competition. Out of more than 3,500 candidates, only 72 were chosen,” he said.

According to the singer, he felt the support of his compatriots, who encouraged and cheered him up during the contest.