Tigran Kocharyan: Artsakh’s persistence upsets all the plans 

August 19 2023, 18:20


The people of Artsakh do not give up. Thanks to that persistence, which has become an Artsakh brand, all the plans have been ruined, Alpha News Editor-in-chief, media expert Tigran Kocharyan said on Alpha News live.

“Artsakh has confused and destroyed all the programs, all the roadmaps that are aimed at giving Artsakh to Azerbaijan, and the resources that Azerbaijan should have used to put pressure on the people of Artsakh have been exhausted.

Azerbaijan has cut off gas, water, and electricity, it captures people, turns off the Internet, what else should it do? It turns out that it has done everything that should be done by non-military means, and the resources are exhausted.

It can only try to do something by military means, but it is not possible because Russian peacekeepers are standing. It turns out that Azerbaijan should try to enter Stepanakert or Askeran over their heads: this will not happen, and Azerbaijan will not be able to do it for at least two years. It has only one option: to continue to block Artsakh and to starve people. People are dying, and this has a negative effect on Azerbaijan itself. Neither Europe, nor Russia, nor the United States can do anything here, this is unprecedented pressure. At the same time, there are the people of Artsakh, who say that they do not give up. It means “you do whatever you want, we are ready to struggle or die hungry, but we will not agree with your conditions”. The diaspora, in turn, is actively working, we see what is happening in the USA. The process is underway, Azerbaijan has no tools to put pressure, while the back pressure is growing day by day,” Kocharyan said.

According to him, there is not a single state in this world that could say that they do what they want to do, including Azerbaijan:

“There is not a single state in this world that could say “I do what I want to do”, because there is a limit of “I want”, after which it will not be accepted. The world can turn a blind eye to the blockade, but not to the fact that people are dying.

It is one thing that Aliyev tells the great people of the world: I will push, they will agree and break down, but these people do not break down. There are 120,000 civilians who say “do what you want, we will not give up”. Azerbaijan’s methodology does not work in Artsakh, because Armenians do not give up.

Perhaps we have problems with our power inside, but if Artsakh does not break down and does not give up, then our diaspora will definitely not allow such a thing to happen”, Kocharyan noted and added: “Azerbaijan has pursued a stupid policy and proved to the world that the annexation of Artsakh to Azerbaijan would be genocide. Even if Aliyev stands in front of the UN and says that Artsakh will join him, they will not believe it. How can you join a state that steals people and brags about it or does not allow the corpse to be transported to Stepanakert?”