Timofey Ermakov: We must guarantee the right of the people of Artsakh to life

August 21 2023, 11:08


In an interview with Alpha News, famous Russian military journalist Timofey Ermakov has stated that Nagorno-Karabakh sees Russia as the only ally and guarantor of its existence.

“Our misfortune, and in general, the misfortune of our diplomacy, especially when we talk about Artsakh, lies in our indecisiveness. It is not clear why we are trying to play on the Azerbaijani side, when our ally, from economic to military aspect, is Armenia. Why are we playing on the Azerbaijani side, which, by the way, has long decided its ways of development, diplomacy, and economy, including military cooperation? They have chosen Turkiye, our strategic enemy.

Turkiye is not our friend, but Azerbaijan has chosen its side. Why have we still not provided unconditional support to our ally Armenia and, in particular, Nagorno-Karabakh, which sees protection only in Russia? It sees Russia not only as an ally, but also as a guarantor of its existence and security.

It is absolutely clear to me that everything that is happening now is happening according to a secret agreement between Aliyev and Pashinyan. And the appeal to the UN Security Council is possibly connected with the activities of healthy forces, including the RA diplomatic corps. But they are completely nullified by Pashinyan’s policy.

This is a terribly sad, almost dead-end situation, but not hopeless, if the Russian Federation gets involved and starts resolving the issue. It is imperative that we resolve this issue. In my opinion, all options and resources for resolution are available. There are armed forces which serve as Russian peacekeeping forces in Artsakh. Now we must deal with our direct duties which we have been taken upon ourselves. We must guarantee the right of the people of Artsakh to life, which also lies in providing humanitarian support”, the journalist concluded.