Timofey Yermakov: This is Azerbaijan’s coordinate system for rewriting history

December 08 2023, 10:02

Culture | Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Russian war correspondent Timofey Yermakov commented on the Armenian-Russian relationship and the destruction of Armenian cultural and historical heritage in Artsakh.

“They will surely bring the matter to its logical conclusion in such a way that at least part of already recognized Armenia will partially lose its sovereignty. And I do not think that this question will satisfy us. I understand that people who are somehow involved in the region in our country, realizing that we have a very serious, protracted conflict with Ukraine, wanted to jump out of the Karabakh conflict as quickly and as easily as possible. But guys, you went out of the frying pan into the fire.

Because I think we are unlikely to be satisfied with the complete loss of both support within Armenia and tools to influence the situation. Because there are hungry animals there (Azerbaijan, Turkiye). And this must be understood very well. Those who have developed an appetite will satisfy it. They will satisfy it, among other things, by attacking our interests. Therefore, the situation, of course, needs to be changed. But so far, I don’t really see how it can be changed. Except for the change of power in Armenia,” Yermakov said.

Commenting on the destruction or “albanization” of Armenian historical monuments by Azerbaijan, Alpha News’ interlocutor expressed his belief that the actions of the Azerbaijani-Turkish duo in the region are genocidal in nature in the cultural sphere as well.

“This is a form of genocide. This is one of the forms of Turkic Nazism. That is what I would call it. Because we saw the same thing in Ukraine with the seizure of the churches of the Moscow Patriarchate by Kyiv.
They are rewriting history. Culture is a material part of history. The ideology of the Turkic world and its actions is to rewrite history, to modify it.

They already constantly declare, and Aliyev said about this, that Armenians have never lived in Yerevan, that they were not on this land, and that Armenia is western Azerbaijan. It seems like nonsense. But nonsense repeated a thousand times with a serious face begins to become the truth. That’s what they’re counting on. I noticed it a long time ago. This is not a trend. This is their coordinate system for rewriting history,” the war correspondent concluded.