Today it is more important than ever for Armenia not to succumb to political manipulation by various interested countries

May 28 2024, 11:50


Samvel Karapetyan, president of the Armenian Businessmen Association as well as owner and founder of the Tashir Group of Companies, considers it important to preserve and develop Armenian-Russian ties and the role of the Armenian diaspora in Russia in relations between the two countries.

“Historically, Russia has been Armenia’s main economic partner. Our task as the Armenian business community is to preserve and develop these ties, to unite, and to become a bridge for the productive development of relations between our countries. Given the crisis in international relations, it is important to engage in close dialogue at all levels of the political, business, and cultural communities that have developed over many years of relations between our two countries.

Today it is more important than ever for Armenia not to succumb to political manipulation by various interested countries, considering that these actions pose direct threats to Armenia’s economic security. I appeal to everyone to properly assess the consequences of such steps. No external circumstances can or should become an obstacle to the development of the partnership and cooperation between participants in the Armenian-Russian commonwealth. In this regard, I believe the responsibility of each of us is important,” Karapetyan said at the opening of the Armenian Business Forum 2024.

He underscored the enormous contribution of the Armenian diaspora in Russia to the development of their historical homeland and the need to take into account the interests of the diaspora on the part of the Armenian political forces.

“Russia has the largest Armenian diaspora, which is the basis of Armenian-Russian cooperation. It is impossible not to take into account the fact that the Armenian diaspora has at all times been an important link between the two countries and, to this day, continues to play a significant role in the life and development of Armenia. Armenians in Russia actively participate in economic and social projects, invest in Armenia, and engage in charitable activities, contributing to the development of the country. The ability of the diaspora to influence life in the republic proves its important role as an additional resource as well as a source of knowledge and experience for Armenia.

In this regard, I would like to note that the current political forces in Armenia cannot fail to take into account the interests of the diaspora, which works not only for the benefit of Russia but also of Armenia. A strong diaspora is Armenia’s strong support,” Karapetyan said.

“I would also like to draw attention to the level of responsibility that the diaspora, we, and you face today. Above all, it is the responsibility to be reliable partners. Recent years have become very difficult for Armenia. We are all deeply concerned and stand by the Armenian people, by the people of Artsakh. We have stood by and will continue to stand by, without a doubt. We did not stay aside when it came to the September events in Artsakh either. We took thousands of families forced to leave their homes under our full care. We continue to support them to this day. I would like to especially note that assistance to people from Artsakh will remain a priority for the Tashir charitable foundation. I urge all of you not to forget about our duty and to provide all possible support for our compatriots,” he added.

The head of the Tashir Group of Companies expressed hope that the forum, which brought together prominent businessmen from Russia and Armenia, will be successful and will open up more opportunities for joint work and give a start to new initiatives. “I would like to note that, despite the difficulties of recent years, Armenia continues to be a business-friendly country, especially for Russians. For a long time, Armenia has continued to lead the countries of the Eurasian Union in terms of economic growth. It is important to understand that real actions are required from us today—not illusions, but concrete steps. We need to look ahead to the future to create opportunities for economic and business development so that Armenia can steadily develop and prosper. I believe that this is possible,” he noted.

Karapetyan underscored the importance of strengthening mutual trust, expanding business ties, and fostering dialogue in various fields between Armenia and Russia.

“The ability to hear and show respect and mutual understanding to each other is what should be the basis of our relations,” Karapetyan said.

At the end of his remarks, Samvel Karapetyan expressed support for the Armenian prisoners held in Azerbaijan. “In conclusion, I would like to express my support to all our compatriots who are unlawfully arrested and are held in Baku prison and remind you that today is the birthday of our friend Ruben Vardanyan. I wish him and all of them strength and courage to honorably overcome these challenges,” he said.