Turkiye fears that Armenia will produce weapons with nuclear component, turkologist says

December 06 2023, 11:47

Opinion | Politics

Turkiye has had a certain emphasized approach in connection with the Armenian nuclear power plant since the 1990s, turkologist Ruben Melkonyan told Alpha News.

“Turkiye was sensitive to this matter. This is the state policy of Turkiye, which continues today. This problem has two or three aspects. Firstly, the existence of a nuclear power plant makes Armenia one of those countries that has the opportunity to become a de facto nuclear power or at least create some kind of weapon that may have a nuclear component, and this could mean a threat to Turkiye.

Secondly, the nuclear power plant ensures the energy independence of Armenia, and thirdly, it is a security issue since massive attacks on Armenia always assume that this country has a nuclear power plant, which is also quite close to Turkiye.

Of course, we may think that this is an unrealistic scenario, but nevertheless, Turkish experts sometimes discuss this topic,” Melkonyan noted.

According to Melkonyan, a favorable situation has developed for Turkiye to promote its preconditions.

“Now a favorable situation has developed for the Turks to promote their preconditions and desires, and it would be at least strange not to raise the issue related to the nuclear power plant. This is very clear in terms of Turkish state policy. One must realize that this is an open attempt to interfere in the domestic affairs of Armenia and another step to eliminate our country,” the turkologist concluded.