Union of Armenians of Russia welcomes statement of Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin

April 10 2024, 18:33


The Union of Armenians of Russia welcomed the statement of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and called for “demarcation of the border between Pashinyan’s team and the Armenian people”.

“The Union of Armenians of Russia, as the largest organization of the Diaspora, expresses its support for the statement of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and calls on all prominent representatives of Armenia and Spyurk (Diapora – ed.), such as businessmen, cultural, scientific, social, and political figures, to openly speak out and state their position on what is happening in Armenia, particularly around the intentions of the Armenian authorities to surrender Armenian lands in the Tavush province.

Pashinyan’s speech in Parliament, where this time he called Armenia itself—historical Armenia—a threat to Armenia’s security, once again demonstrated the danger of the policy deliberately pursued by the so-called ‘velvet authorities’ since 2018, and revealed the need for urgent demarcation of the border between Pashinyan’s team and the Armenian people and statehood.

It is obvious that Pashinyan has no solutions to the issues related to ensuring the integrity of the country and the security of its citizens, and each of his new steps only exacerbates the problems. In this situation, only the resignation and departure from the political arena of the current government can give Armenia, led by a new leadership that loves its country and people, a chance for peace and a decent life and will get back the lost trust of the international community,” the Union of Armenians of Russia said in a statement.