Uruguay’s National Party condemns Azerbaijan’s blockade of Artsakh
September 07 2023, 16:57

The National Party of Uruguay has adopted a declaration condemning Azerbaijan’s blockade of Artsakh and expressing solidarity with the people of Artsakh, Armenpress reports.
The National Party has noted that Azerbaijan is violating human rights and disregarding international documents, such as the 9 November 2020 tripartite ceasefire statement and the International Court of Justice ruling ordering it to lift the blockade.
The National Party has stressed the need to put an end to the constant encroachments against the Armenians of Artsakh in conditions of an ongoing genocidal policy by Azerbaijan.
“Together with the Armenian community of Uruguay, we express full solidarity with the people of Artsakh in its struggle.
We unequivocally condemn the blockade of Lachin Corridor by Azerbaijan, which poses a threat to the existence of 120,000 people.
We call on the legislative and executive authorities of our country, as well as the international community, to demand Azerbaijan to respect public international law and humanitarian law, and end this extremely grave situation,” the declaration says.