US cannot offer anything better than Russia, political scientist says

June 28 2024, 09:59

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Russian political scientist Pyotr Kolchin commented on the news that the US is discussing an alternative route for exports from Central Asia through Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey.

According to the expert, Washington would be satisfied with freezing the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan and implementing its own projects.

“It is really telling how the US and many Western countries have actually ignored the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan for many years, and only after the worsening of relations between Washington and Moscow and Washington and Beijing, American diplomacy has launched its active work in the South Caucasus. America is not interested in the prosperity of the region. America is not interested in any fair resolution to the conflict. Washington will be satisfied with the freezing of the conflict and the implementation of its own projects that have nothing to do with the welfare of the region and its residents,” Kolchin said.

According to the political scientist, the United States cannot offer anything that would be more profitable than the projects that Russia, China, and other major developing countries are currently implementing.

“The United States is doing everything to sabotage Eurasian economic integration projects and China’s global projects, which are aimed at building a unified logistics system for the continent. All of this is a challenge to American economic influence in both Europe and Asia. All this, of course, causes great concern in Washington. However, the alternatives offered by the United States cannot inspire any confidence because the United States is limited only to loud statements rather than serious, multi-year, structured, large-scale projects.

Of course, the United States has now significantly expanded its activity in the South Caucasus. This work is being carried out both against the post-Soviet countries and against China. But, again, it is difficult to even imagine any potential strategic benefit that the US can bring to the South Caucasus. Everything is limited to big words, big statements and trips, but no real decisions, no real proposals.

So, in this case, we need to remain extremely vigilant. The United States has nothing to offer either Armenia or Azerbaijan. The United States cannot offer anything that would be more beneficial than the large-scale economic and logistical projects that Russia, China, and other major developing countries are currently implementing,” Kolchin concluded.