Vladimir Shapovalov: Russia is the only power that is able to serve as a mediator in Armenian-Azerbaijani relations

October 18 2023, 11:24

Opinion | Politics

Associate Professor at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Vladimir Shapovalov, commented to Alpha News on Russia’s position in the negotiation process between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

According to the expert, Moscow is the only real mediator in the peaceful resolution of the conflict between Yerevan and Baku.

“Russia does not need to return its position as a mediator in the Armenian-Azerbaijani peace process, since Russia is so far the only real mediator in this process. Russian peacekeepers are on the territory of Karabakh until 2025, and the positive side of these processes, including the cessation of hostilities and the negotiation process between Armenia and Azerbaijan, is coordinated with the active participation of Russia. Russia has never denied its functions as a mediator and negotiator, and the statement of our president once again indicates that Russia is ready to perform these functions,” Shapovalov said.

According to the expert, Russia is the only power that is able to serve as a mediator in relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

“Russia is the only power that is able to serve as a mediator in relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, since other powers with sufficient experience as mediators are either not interested in actively moderating the negotiation process or take the side of a participant in the conflict, like, for example, Turkiye. Russia, unlike all other world and regional countries, is, on the one hand, an ally of Armenia within the CSTO and the CIS, and on the other hand, actively interacts with Azerbaijan. Cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan is expanding and strengthening, and our leaders have just had another meeting in Bishkek. It must be emphasized that, of course, resolving the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan is possible only with the active participation of Russia,” Shapovalov concluded.