Vram Martirosyan: Diaspora supports Sacred Struggle

May 31 2024, 19:12


The Armenian Diaspora supports the Sacred Struggle, but we simply do not understand why part of the nation does not join it, do they really not understand the seriousness of the moment? Public figure and businessman Vram Martirosyan said this live on Alpha News.

“The sacred movement is very powerful. It was launched by the right people at the right time. We have come to the brink of losing the country, and if there is no one to lead the Armenian nation, then our future and our destiny as a nation will be in question. Srbazan heroically took it all on his shoulders and is moving forward. The Diaspora supports the Sacred Struggle, but we simply do not understand why part of the nation does not join it. Do they really not understand the seriousness of the moment?

In my opinion, some of them do not accept Nikol, but for some reason they do not join the movement. There are also people who say that they are ready to take on responsibilities and to lead the nation forward, but they do not support the movement either. Besides this, there is another group of people who do not care whether they live in Armenia or somewhere between Armenia and Turkey. These are exactly the people who will applaud if Nikol says that Armenia does not need Artsakh. The question arises: Do these people even have consciousness, national dignity?” Martirosyan noted.

Touching upon the police officers, he emphasized that among them there are those who think about the real goals of the movement and are not guided by money.

“Many internal political institutions, various structures and organizations are on Bagrat Srbazan’s side. If you remember that in 2018, the police were the last to join the movement, they will join this time too. It is simply necessary for 1-2 people to take off their berets right at the demonstration site and join the movement, and then they will begin to join one by one. I believe that among the police there are also people who think about the real goals of the movement and are guided not only by money,” Martirosyan concluded.