We call on Armenians throughout the Western United States to stand with the unified movement at this critically fateful time for the Armenian Nation

June 06 2024, 10:27


For the last four years our Homeland and Nation have been set on an unending trajectory of self-destruction by the Pashinyan regime, whose policies and approaches have systematically diminished and degraded all that is core and foundational for our entire Nation.

From our military and church, to our education and judicial systems, to our people’s dignity and resolve, to our lands and our Cause; whether tangible or intangible all has been and continues to be surrendered.

Corruption has been legalized, national values are being replaced with our enemies’ perspectives in our schools, one man and one party exercises full dominion over all branches of governance, fundamentally important articles of Constitution have been violated, Artsakh has been surrendered, hundreds of square kilometers of sovereign Armenian lands remain occupied by our enemy – while additional lands and our strongest defense positions have been unilaterally surrendered. The pursuit of justice for the Armenian Genocide is being trampled upon, and our enemies – without any objection by the Pashinyan regime – openly state that they dictate the process of our border’s demarcation.

The Tavush for the Homeland movement led by Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan – born in response to the regime’s unilateral surrender of sovereign Armenian lands in Tavush – has since spread throughout Armenia as a movement for truth and justice, and a movement against the regime that has put us on this path of national self-destruction.

In response to the movement, the Pashinyan regime has only increased its repressive efforts. Physically attacking and assaulting political opponents, using brute force against protestors, usurping state funds to counter protests, and attacking the Armenian Apostolic Church; have become common repressive tactics of the regime – which in turn lay the foundation for further escalation and potential unrest.

The ARF Western USA Central Committee strongly condemns the Pashinyan regime’s anti-democratic, unconstitutional, and effectively anti-Armenian and anti-Church policies; and reaffirms its total and unequivocal support to Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan and the Tavush for the Homeland movement.

As we salute the unity it has created around the Homeland and Nation, as we honor the values it places at its core; we call on Armenians throughout the Western United States to stand with the unified movement at this critically fateful time for the Armenian Nation.

ARF Western USA Central Committee