We have crisis with current leadership of Armenia, not in Russian-Armenian relations – Elena Panina

June 26 2024, 11:00

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Director of the Institute for International Political and Economic Strategies RUSSTRAT Elena Panina commented on the crisis in Armenian-Russian relations on the sidelines of the 10th Primakov Readings International Forum.

“I do not think there is a crisis in Russian-Armenian relations. We have a crisis not in Russian-Armenian relations but in relations with the current leadership of Armenia, which for some reason decided to lean towards the West, first of all, towards France, rushes towards some countries in the South, but at the same time does not take any actions in the interests of its own Armenian people. We do not understand this because Russia has traditionally supported the Armenian people. After all, the Armenian people are long-suffering. They are a divided nation that has been subjected to genocide and persecution. We know well about this massacre of 1915. So, it is a great pity that the current leadership of Armenia has forgotten its traditions,” Panina said.

According to the director of RUSSTRAT, Russia has always supported Armenia.

“As for Russia, we have always supported Armenia, the Armenian people, their hopes for peace, for a normal life, and for economic interaction with Russia. This will continue. Our president has repeatedly stated this,” Panina concluded.