‘We will wave our tricolor everywhere’: Armenian dance group wins international competition

November 22 2023, 14:30


On November 6, the Golden Palm International Festival took place in Dubai, UAE, with Armenia being represented by three dance ensembles on the initiative of the Kamurj Cultural Center.

The dancers from the Juli Dance Studio, representing Armenia, returned home with a victory. Speaking with Alpha News, artistic director and choreographer Juli Papakhchyan shared her impressions and told about the victory of her students.

“It’s one thing when you represent your group, and quite another when you represent your country. The jury was very pleased with my students. The younger group performed the hip-hop dance ‘Schoolchildren’, and the older group performed the Armenian dance ‘Western Armenia’. However, this is not our first victory outside the country. We also won the Golden festivals, organized in the Georgian city of Batumi. But this victory was more than important and very exciting for our students.

It is not easy—along with representatives from 17 countries of the world—to perform brilliantly and take the first place when you are away from Armenia. Our victory proves our hard work, love of dance, and desire to hold the honor of Armenia high. I am sure you will hear about my studio and my students more than once,” Papakhchyan said, once again assuring that wherever they go, they will always hold the honor of Armenia high and wave the Armenian tricolor.

According to the head of the Kamurj Cultural Center, Hayk Gevorgyan, Armenia participated in this international festival for the 11th time.

“This is the 11th international festival to which we are sending groups from Armenia. And on October 28, we organized the Tsakhkunk International Festival in Armenia, hosting participants from India, Russia and other countries. Our goal is to identify gifted junior and youth dance groups and give them the opportunity to express themselves to the general public,” Gevorgyan added.

It should be noted that 18 countries participated in the Golden Palm Festival.