What happened in Artsakh is a result of the failure of political power, constitutional scholar says

October 03 2023, 12:10


What happened in Artsakh is a consequence of the failure of political power, foreign policy and diplomacy of the Republic of Armenia, Constitutional scholar Gohar Meloyan said in an interview with Alpha News.

“Remaining true to its foreign policy, Azerbaijan tried to achieve the ultimate goal. What happened with Artsakh is also a consequence of the failure of political power, foreign policy and diplomacy of the Republic of Armenia. In particular, here we are talking about the Prague Document, in which the head of the executive power of Armenia recognized the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, and which, according to him, included the entire Republic of Artsakh, as well as some territories of the sovereign Republic of Armenia under the name of the so-called ‘Azerbaijani enclaves’,” she said.

Gohar Meloyan also noted that, according to the Prime Minister of Armenia, “these Azerbaijani enclaves” are located in the Tavush and Ararat regions․

“One of the most tragic episodes in Armenian history has occurred recently. I believe that September 19 is the third Artsakh War, and, unfortunately, this has become a legal act. It should be emphasized that, in fact, what happened in Artsakh can be called genocide; ethnic cleansing was committed against the Armenians of Artsakh.

This document does not represent anything and we should not blame the President of Artsakh for signing it. This document was the result of certain processes and the use of coercive force; there was no other option,” the constitutional scholar said.