Work underway to increase US aid to Armenia by $100 million – Elizabeth Chouldjian 

June 21 2024, 10:55

Opinion | Politics

The United States must take steps to ensure the safety of Armenians and provide additional humanitarian and economic assistance to Armenia, ANCA Communications Director Elizabeth Chouldjian told Alpha News.

“Today, the Chair of the US Senate Committee on Armed Services and the Chair of the Budget Committee, along with more than 20 colleagues, should call on the United States to expand humanitarian aid provided to forcibly displaced people from Artsakh. Today, a letter of appeal will be sent to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The letter clearly states that the United States must take steps to ensure the safety of Armenians so that they will no longer be persecuted. Along with this, the United States must hold Azerbaijan accountable for the ethnic cleansing of Armenians by applying sanctions,” Chouldjian noted.

She emphasized that ANCA will work with the Congressional Armenian Caucus to ensure that assistance to Armenia increases by at least $100 million.

“The letter is supported by more than 20 senators, and now a very important period has come since there are ongoing talks about the development of Armenian-American relations.  However, we have not seen its real results yet, especially in terms of helping Artsakh, because the money allocated to Artsakh Armenians is too small. Through the letter, we want to make sure that humanitarian aid to Armenia in the 2024 aid package is expanded, especially considering that thousands of Artsakh citizens continue to live there.

When the House of Representatives begins debating the 2025 American Foreign Assistance Act, ANCA will begin working with the co-chair of the Congressional Armenian Caucus, Congressman Frank Pallone, and other members of Congress to increase American aid to Armenia by at least $100 million. All of these amounts will also be aimed at providing assistance to the Armenians of Artsakh,” Chouldjian concluded.