Young mountain climbers with physical disabilities conquer Ararat

August 30 2023, 16:51


On August 26, the team of Life in Motion Foundation climbed Ararat as part of the Way to the Top Project. The team consisted of Anastasia Madyarova, Olesya Shergina and Veronika Chudinovich. All of them are 18. Despite the congenital pathologies of the upper limbs, the climbing did not become an obstacle for them.

At 2 a.m., the girls left the assault camp guided by experienced guides and motivator Pavel Trofimov, who also has pathology of the upper limb. One of the guides Pavel Kochnev climbed the peak with a prosthetic leg. Despite the known route, the climbing was not easy. Veronika Chudinovich had to withdraw, feeling unwell due to mountain sickness. The rest of the participants reached the summit at 9 a.m.