Zakharova says Armenia should not compare itself with EU

April 03 2024, 14:40


The current authorities of Armenia should not compare the ancient Armenian civilization, which has a centuries-old history, with the EU, which is, frankly, doing badly today, Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova told the Russian Zvezda TV channel.

“You know what surprises me? Why do the authorities in Yerevan engage in dumping like that? Why do they compare the ancient Armenian civilization with its culture, history, and statehood, which existed long before European democracy, with the current European Union, which is really at a dead end? This is exactly what they are talking about when they mention European democracy.”

Zakharova noted that Armenia is a culture, the foundation of statehood, that dates back centuries.

She recalled one of the statements by the former US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, who presented the EU as an absolutely amorphous, weak-willed, and collapsing structure.

Zakharova drew attention to the fact that now the situation of the EU is clearly visible, taking into account the political, economic, social, and legal indicators. “It’s all falling apart,” Zakharova stressed.