Zarif was used as a pretext to target the government’s activities – Zhanna Vardanyan

August 13 2024, 11:50

Opinion | Politics

The reason for Zarif’s resignation is his dissatisfaction with the composition of the government, Iranologist Zhanna Vardanyan told Alpha News.

“From the text of the resignation of Iran’s vice president Mohammad Javad Zarif, it can be understood that the reason for his resignation is his dissatisfaction with the composition of the government. As we know, after Masoud Pezeshkian won the presidential election, a strategic council was formed, headed by Zarif, which was engaged in developing the possible composition of the new government. Yesterday, Pezeshkian presented the composition of the government to parliament for approval, which does not fully correspond to the composition presented by this strategic council. Some proposals were only partially accepted,” Vardanyan noted.

According to the Iranologist, Zarif was used as a pretext to target the government’s activities.

“Peseshkian proposed conservative candidates to half of Iran’s 19 ministers. The main dissatisfaction of both Zarif and the reformist camp in Iran in general is precisely because so many conservatives received ministerial portfolios. This is precisely why Zarif resigned. Another explanation is that he was used as a pretext to target the government’s activities. This is also logical in a certain sense, since Zarif has been the most discussed political figure in Iran over the past 10 years, and any of his statements or actions always cause heated and negative discussions,” Vardanyan concluded.