Zhanna Krikorova: Until the last moment, no one thought about leaving, no one wanted to

January 20 2024, 12:15


Speaking with Alpha News, Zhanna Krikorova, artistic director of the Stepanakert Russian Drama Theater, noted that no one wanted to leave Artsakh and it was a really difficult decision for everyone.

“Even on September 19, no one was talking about leaving. We could not fully believe that we should leave Artsakh. There were many different rumors and talks that they would not let people out. But when people from villages started coming to Stepanakert and it became known that people were being killed in the neighborhood, we all demanded to open the road so that we could leave.

But I want to say that even until the last moment, no one thought about leaving; no one wanted to. I think there is still no full understanding of what happened. It seems to me that people have not yet recovered from the shock and are in denial. There is a lot of talk among Artsakh residents that everyone will return to Artsakh in March. How will we return, on what conditions will we return, why will we return, and what will happen? No one knows. This stage of denial continues. People cannot begin adapting and integrating—I don’t know what to call it—because they cannot yet accept this fact.

It all depends on what position a person is used to living in. There are people who always live in the position of a victim. It is very difficult for them to rebuild themselves in these conditions because they have only one thought: they need social security, a place to live. They are thinking about what to eat and where to work. All these things are completely understandable. But there are people who never live in the position of a victim. They soberly and coldly accept the circumstances, no matter how tragic they may be, and understand that they need to manage their lives. I cannot speak for everyone; I can speak for myself, for my loved ones, my friends. Our salvation was our work—the fact that our theater will continue its activities in Yerevan.

This, of course, immediately puts us into another parallel, where we need to think about how to create, surprise, bring some light, and bring some beauty. All other issues remained in that parallel. This does not mean that they do not exist in our lives, but while creating, you are aware that you can be in demand in society and do something good. This, of course, gives a lot of strength,” Krikorova said.