The most cowardly man managed to scare us — David Sahakyants

September 21 2024, 10:58

Opinion | Politics

Society does not understand one simple thing: the one who scares us with war has brought it himself, animation director David Sahakyants told Alpha News.

“There will be a return to Artsakh, but it should not be only about Artsakh. The fact is that we have a firm conviction that we must return to the places that historically belonged to us. It was thanks to our belief in this idea that we managed to liberate Artsakh.

There has never been a period in history when Armenians did not live in Artsakh. Given this, I think that revenge and return must certainly happen. Historical justice must be restored. Not returning to Artsakh contradicts all laws, both human and divine,” he said.

Sahakyants is convinced that to achieve success it is not enough to simply remove the current authorities.

“Global work must be done; we will not solve many issues by getting rid of these authorities alone. But, by doing so, we will lay the foundation for further very important processes,” he noted.

David Saakyants is an active participant in the Sacred Struggle movement. He believes that such processes will help find a way out of this difficult situation.

“I am one of those people who participate in any process that takes place in Armenia. I supported the Sacred Struggle movement, and not only. Since 2018, I have also participated in protests in various European cities. And participation in the Sacred Struggle is a natural continuation,” David Sahakyants said.

He stressed that the current authorities are constantly talking about war; however, if they leave, there will be no war.

“The most cowardly man managed to scare us. He keeps pressing the alarm button, saying that there will be a war. Society cannot understand one simple thing: the one who scares us with war has brought it himself. The war that this government talks about will not happen if this government is gone,” David Sahakyants concluded.