Difficulties are becoming insurmountable, but we still have hope, kindergarten director in Artsakh says

September 05 2023, 09:05


Employees of the state kindergarten of the Sos community of the Martun district in Artsakh are trying to overcome the difficulties caused by the blockade.

In an interview with Artsakhpress, kindergarten director Nakhshun Stepanyan stated that the crisis is growing.

“On August 10, we received cereals, pasta, butter and sugar for free from the Artsakh Rural and Agricultural Support Fund to provide children with food. For a long time, the kindergarten worked without a supplier. After a long search, we found a new supplier from the Gishi community, who brings vegetables, fruits, meat, and eggs.

We buy bread in a rural bakery. Since there is a problem with transport, I myself deliver bread from the bakery to the kindergarten every day, so that our children do not stay hungry,” she said.

According to the director, the village residents also helped by providing vegetables, so the lack of food for some time was not felt so acutely.
“During this time, some parents have prepared cookies for their children at their own expense. We have not included dairy products in the menu for a long time. We have the opportunity to buy from the shepherds of the village, but we need an appropriate permit to do this, and because of the problem with fuel, it is currently impossible to do so,” she said.

Stepanyan spoke about the lack of essential goods.
“We are trying to overcome all difficulties and continue to be faithful to the principle we have adopted: to raise and educate a generation worthy of Artsakh,” she added.