From Shushi to Stepanakert, from Stepanakert to Yerevan: twice displaced and homeless

October 02 2023, 21:30


Civil initiatives are currently more concerned with the problems of forcibly displaced persons from Artsakh.

A group of people, both during the 44-day war and after the latest aggression, has been trying to help the Artsakh people who forcibly left Artsakh for an indefinite time, providing them with essential supplies.

People have problems not only with housing. They are deprived of minimal living and sanitary conditions, from bedding to clothing and food.

Anna Hovsepyan, who was deported from Shusha after the 44-day war, was forced to leave her home again last week, this time in Stepanakert. Together with her large family of 12 people, Anna temporarily lives in one of the Yerevan hotels for a daily payment of 13,000 drams.

See more in the video