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The turmoil in the ruling team confirms that Armenia is on the verge of catastrophic upheavals

February 06 2024, 13:10

The statements by Nikol Pashinyan and Ilham Aliyev last week indicate that the Armenian people are on the verge of a historic tragedy that has never happened before. Both Pashinyan and Aliyev are well aware that with the collapse of the Third Republic, the rejection of the current Declaration of Independence will be an irreversible loss of statehood rather than the formation of the Fourth Republic.

However, outside the ‘power pyramid’, the process is perceived as follows: Pashinyan’s team sees this either as a chance to oust Pashinyan and take his place or as the best opportunity to “leave a sinking ship” and step down.

Both options are unacceptable for Pashinyan. He needs “political accomplices” to complete the disintegration of Armenia, and he needs personal guidance so that when “the last page of the history of Armenian statehood is closed,” he can receive political asylum.

If you look at the criminal cases initiated for political reasons, involving both the former Deputy Minister of Economy of Armenia and Alen Simonyan’s sister-in-law, it becomes clear why Pashinyan could enter a new stage of political repression within his team. That’s why Pashinyan used the “best-selling good” in the Armenian political market—fear.

Russophobia and fear are the most sold goods in the Armenian political field. And while Nikol Pashinyan and Ilham Aliyev are simultaneously scaring the Armenian people with a new war, Pashinyan is scaring members of his team with arrests and prison in case we do not abandon the Declaration of Independence and adopt a new Constitution.

Many are wondering how far Nikol Pashinyan can go against his team. However, history has already given us the answer to this question in 2008, after the tragedy of March 1, when Nikol Pashinyan escaped. He escaped, leaving 10 victims at the scene of the crime as well as his team. Who says history can’t repeat itself?

If members of Pashinyan’s team think at least a little about their future, they should not limit themselves to “likes” on social media under posts in support of Alen Simonyan’s sister-in-law (as did MPs Babken Tunyan, Hovik Aghazaryan, and Gurgen Arsenyan, Minister of Justice Grigor Minasyan, and Chair of the Supreme Judicial Council Karen Andreasyan). They should try to find that “beacon” in the political field, which will enable them, on the one hand, to save themselves and, on the other hand, to give Armenia a chance to save itself.

Think about it…