Mikhail Shakhnazarov: Thanks to the actions of Pashinyan and his entourage, Russia dramatically changed its attitude towards Armenia

March 12 2024, 13:50

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Russian journalist and media manager Mikhail Shakhnazarov said that Saakashvili, Zelensky, and Pashinyan were created from the same source, and they have the same owner, whose name is George Soros.

“Like attracts like. I can tell one truth that many will not like. Recently, the attitude towards Armenia in Russia has changed dramatically. This happened not because of the Armenian people, but thanks to Pashinyan and his entourage, and also thanks to his wife, who at some meetings has a nice conversation with Zelensky’s wife, thanks to the reception of the President of Latvia and other clowns who tirelessly talk nonsense every day. By the way, Pashinyan can exchange experience with them.

Everyone remembers that Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia were showcases of the Soviet Union. I am not exaggerating and will not distort facts, but recently there was a report on Latvian television about how in the most industrialized city, where there used to be a knitting factory, sales of triple cologne have increased greatly. Pashinyan should talk to them, and they will tell him about the real path to success. I will note that if you compare the Baltic republics with Armenia during the Soviet Union, the comparison will definitely not be in favor of Armenia,” Shakhnazarov noted.

Commenting on the similarities between current political figures in Ukraine and Armenia, Mikhail Shakhnazarov stressed that they are all products of the Soros organization, which is engaged in the destruction of universal human values.

“These characters, Saakashvili, Zelensky, and Pashinyan, are all from the same source, and they have the same owner, whose name is George Soros. There are facts confirming that the financing of parties or some organizations where they participate came precisely from George Soros’s Foundation, that is, this creature who decided to kill the whole world. Even all the developments that are now taking place in the United States are also the work of Soros’s organization. Being a Jew, George Soros handed over his fellow countrymen to the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War.

Of course, I have no right to speak for official Moscow, but Russia has an opinion, which it conveys to the world community through the presidential press secretary, some other organizations, or state media. I don’t belong to official Moscow, but if we take the opinion of ordinary people about Armenia, it is certainly negative. Because all these games with quitting the CSTO and all these requests, like, let’s not go to the meeting or let’s do something else, are not the actions of a political leader. Because of his actions, my relatives also suffered; a lot of young boys died. God bless their souls. But this person continues to stay in power,” he said.