Areni Hamparian: Unfortunately, the Armenian people continue to be deceived today

May 03 2024, 11:37


The steps taken by Armenia’s current government lead to the fact that people in the Diaspora cannot proudly say that they are Armenians, Areni Hamparian, a member of the ARF Youth Union, told Alpha News.

“It’s been 4 years since our homeland does not know what victory is. Especially after the 2020 war, the entire Armenian nation, the Diaspora, was deceived and, unfortunately, continues to be deceived today. We seem exhausted. I myself visited Artsakh, I went to Shushi, I saw Ghazanchetsots, the bravery of Armenian soldiers; but after 2020, I cannot call myself Armenian with the same pride. People do not have the strength to protect their homeland anymore. And what is the current government doing? It is trying to talk and negotiate with the enemy, but they are our enemy; they want to eliminate us. Unfortunately, the steps taken by the current government lead to the fact that here in the Diaspora, people cannot proudly say that they are Armenians,” Hamparian said.

She noted that it is up to every Armenian in the Armenian in the Diaspora to decide whether to remain Armenian or not.

“I was born in America, but I am grateful to my parents that they taught me to speak Armenian from a young age. They read Armenian books for me, and they always said that we are few, and that’s why we should preserve Armenian identity and the Armenian language. It is more difficult for Diaspora Armenians to preserve the Armenian gene because there are many foreigners around and you cannot speak Armenian all the time. We had only one hour to learn and speak Armenian at the college, but outside of that, at the university, in everyday life, it is you who decide whether to speak Armenian or not, to read Raffi’s books or not, to remain Armenian or not,” Hamparian concluded.