About 23 tons of flour delivered to Stepanakert, new cargo from Rostov to be transported soon – Artsakh Info Center

September 18 2023, 11:30


According to the agreement reached with the Stepanakert branch of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the command of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, about 23 tons of Armenian flour have been delivered to the Artsakh capital along the Goris-Stepanakert highway, Artsakh Info Center reported. Health and hygiene supplies of foreign (Russian, Swiss) production have been delivered via Akna-Stepanakert road, which after examination will be transferred to the relevant departments and used as needed.

In a few days it is planned to transport ICRC cargo from Rostov-on-Don to the same directions. The details will be broadcast live on Artsakh Public Television, Artsakh Info Center reported.