Alexey Anpilogov: Lavrov speaks from more Armenian positions than Pashinyan

April 02 2024, 12:20

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Russian political scientist Alexey Anpilogov commented on Armenian-Russian relations and the West’s position on Armenia.

According to the expert, neither the European Union nor the United States have any interest in preserving an independent and sovereign Armenia.

“There is a saying that you cannot be a royalist, that is, a supporter of the king more than the king himself. Now Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, judging by his latest statements, speaks from more Armenian positions than Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. Neither the European Union nor the United States have any interest in preserving an independent and sovereign Armenia.

The actual surrender of Artsakh, which took place under the patronage of European leaders, and the current conflict in the Tavush region, which, from my point of view, will also take place without the expression of any positions by European emissaries, undermine Armenia’s sovereignty. All this creates a more difficult situation on the ground,” Anpilogov said.

According to the political scientist, the Armenian authorities’ further steps could lead to the complete destruction of Armenia.

“After the withdrawal of Russian border guards, who not only served under contract but were mostly citizens of Armenia, the next step will be the withdrawal of the 102nd base from Gyumri. So, these are all those steps that do not contribute to the strengthening of the Armenian statehood and can lead to its collapse and, dare I say it, to complete destruction. For the European Union, Azerbaijan, with its hydrocarbon reserves, is of much greater economic and political value,” Anpilogov noted.

According to the expert, at the moment, Russia does not have any normal mutual understanding with Armenian officials.

“I believe that at the moment Russia does not have any normal mutual understanding with Armenian officials because Armenia is now following the path of dependence on Western forces. A clear example is Ukraine, which is now actually engaged in the destruction of not just the Ukrainian state but the Ukrainian people. Lavrov’s latest words regarding Armenia are addressed to the second, more understanding part of Armenian society, because hope dies last. Despite what the Armenian leadership is doing now, Russians and Armenians have always been fraternal and friendly people.

There is a shared historical destiny. I emphasize once again that all attempts by Western countries to somehow resolve or untie this Transcaucasian knot have always only led to very serious losses in Armenia. It seems to me that this historical example should be sobering. Lavrov’s words that the current Armenian leadership is acting, to say the least, almost against the national interests of Armenia are a reason to think about those who still believe that Armenia should exist and not just exist, but also flourish,” Anpilogov concluded.