Alexey Leonkov: Sanctions begin when friendship ends

December 05 2023, 12:05


Russian military expert Alexey Leonkov @apleonkov commented to Alpha News on the challenges in Russian-Armenian relations.

“Well, you know, Russia is basically trying to maintain friendly relations with the Armenian authorities. In order, as they say, to protect them from those rash steps that they take. But the basis of our foreign policy is non-interference in the domestic affairs of countries; that is, we do not organize color revolutions, we do not change rulers, and we try to stay within the framework of international law. At the same time, we are trying to engage in dialogue with the Armenian side in order, firstly, to clarify its position, and secondly, to find this common ground that would promote our long-term, centuries-old friendship.

But, unfortunately, the position of that [Armenian] side is quite double-natured and multi-vector. That is, on the one hand, the Armenian side, the government, declares that there are no hostile intentions towards Russia, and, on the other hand, it says that the countries of Western Europe and the United States should become its best allies. Such duality in the approach creates many long-lasting problems. We see that words in Armenia are at odds with deeds. That is, while assuring that they want to maintain friendly relations with Russia, the Armenian side is actively cooperating with those who are waging a hybrid and proxy war against Russia. I mean first of all the countries of Europe and Great Britain with the USA,” Leonkov said.

When asked about the prospects for relations between the two countries, Alpha News’ interlocutor expressed confidence that common sense will prevail and the countries will not pass the point of no return in their mutual skirmish.

“The sanctions policy begins when friendly relations end. Therefore, most likely, there will be no sanctions; there will be an explanatory policy instead, but so that the Armenian government has a choice. And this dialogue, which is constantly being conducted with the Armenian side, is aimed precisely at this. We are trying to keep it from taking a rash step. But it is this government that makes the decision,” Leonkov concluded.