Amirkhanyan: The so-called “Crossroads of Peace” lacks seriousness

October 27 2023, 14:00

Opinion | Politics

The so-called “Crossroads of Peace” has several aspects that lack seriousness, Lilia Amirkhanyan, the expert at the Hayatsk think tank, said in an interview with Alpha News.

“What is the so-called ‘Crossroads of Peace’ project? In 2022, the West-East directions were added to the North-South transport infrastructure and they were renamed and presented as ‘Armenian Crossroads’. One year later, they were renamed again, and now it is called ‘Crossroads of Peace’. This is not an economic project because it has a serious geopolitical component. First of all, I would like to pay attention to several aspects of this project that lack seriousness. Priority and agenda issues for Armenia should be the so-called ‘Crossroads of Peace’ in the face of unblocking economic infrastructure.

According to the expert, Armenia welcomes all the processes that took place over the past three years and is now promoting its initiative to unblock regional communications.

“After the war of 2020, we still have the infamous statement of November 9, the non-compliance with which led to the Azerbaijani aggression against the sovereign territory of Armenia and the situation in Artsakh. Are we fine with these processes? Do we have nothing more to say, or are these questions not on our agenda? We have come to the question of putting forward Armenia’s initiative to unblock regional communications. In other words, this is a question that should at least be thought about. What do we really have to say to our international partners?” Amirkhanyan concluded.