Aram Bekeryan: If I stop living with hope of seeing independent Artsakh, my life will lose meaning

April 06 2024, 11:58


When the Patriarch is attacked, it means that the Armenian Church is also attacked, national and public figure Aram Bekeryan told Alpha News.

“The current authorities of Armenia have always said that the former ones robbed the country. These ‘robbers’ preserved their homeland and Artsakh until today. The people’s life gradually improved, many thought that this leadership could be their salvation. I believe we made a very big mistake. When today’s leadership tries to exclude the subject ‘Armenian History’ from schools, it already becomes clear that this leadership is wrong. Then it attacks Catholicos. I will say one thing: when you attack the Patriarch, it means that you attack the church. You are not causing physical harm to a person, but to the entire Armenian church,” Aram Bekeryan said.

According to him, the Turks have cunning leaders, while Armenian leaders are not patriotic.

“Our leadership is giving the country to the Turks and Azerbaijanis in a very cheap way. The Turks have cunning leaders, but we do not. We only have corrupt individuals and disorganized, disjointed leadership. I urge you to get rid of today’s leadership as soon as possible and elect leaders and patriots devoted to the nation, so that our homeland can get out of the hole,” he noted.

Bekeryan expressed hope that he would see the independence of Artsakh.

“Unfortunately, there have always been traitors in our history. They must resign their duties and leave the country, and those who are truly patriots must stay.

I really hope to see the independence of Artsakh. If I stop living with this hope, my life will lose meaning. If we don’t have the ideology of a free, independent, united Armenia, then we don’t have the right to live in our homeland,” Aram Bekeryan concluded.