Armenia has yet to suffer from Pashinyan, says Russian MP

May 30 2024, 12:50


Speaking with Alpha News, Oleg Matveychev, a member of the Russian State Duma, commented on the news that Armenia suspended the broadcast of Russia’s leading state TV channel.

“Armenia is rapidly following the path of Ukraine. An entire state and an entire people have become hostages of Soros’s puppet fosterling, Pashinyan, who, on orders from overseas, is destroying the centuries-old friendship of the Russian and Armenian people. He lost Karabakh and will destroy all of Armenia.

Those who think that he has already caused all the evil that he could are mistaken. He is at the beginning of his journey. Zelensky (president of Ukraine) and Saakashvili (ex-president of Georgia) were also considered simply ‘weak presidents’. No one imagined what they would do. Unfortunately, Armenia has yet to suffer from Pashinyan,” Matveychev said.