Armenian, Azerbaijani Commissions on Border Delimitation agree to intensify work

November 30 2023, 15:30


The Armenian and Azerbaijani Commissions on State Border Delimitation agreed to intensify work, the press center of the Armenian Foreign Ministry reported.

On November 30, the fifth meeting of Commissions on State Border Delimitation, chaired by Deputy Prime Ministers Mher Grigoryan and Shahin Mustafayev, took place on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The parties continued discussing delimitation issues and addressed a number of organizational and procedural matters.

The parties have preliminarily agreed on the text of the Regulation on organizing and holding talks and joint working meetings between the Commission on State Border Delimitation and Border Security of Armenia and the Commission on State Border Delimitation of Azerbaijan.

The parties agreed to start working on the draft on the joint activities and to intensify the meetings of the commissions.

An agreement has been reached to determine the date and venue of the next meeting of the commissions.