Armenian Culture Festival held in Russian Nizhny Novgorod

November 28 2023, 17:50

Armenians | Culture

The festival of Armenian culture ‘Friendship between Russia and Armenia’ was held in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. The festival was attended by more than 300 Nizhny Novgorod residents.

The guests of the event enjoyed the performance of the Armenian Folk Dance Ensemble Nairi, participated in master classes and workshops in knitting, drawing, and national dances, and got acquainted with the sights of Armenia.

For the younger guests of the event, there was face painting and a game zone. The program of the event also featured an exhibition of paintings by Armenian artists.
During the festival, the guests had the opportunity to taste Armenian cuisine.

This year, the Armenian Community of Nizhny Novgorod celebrated its 30th anniversary.