Armenian Genocide is not tragedy of past but continuous reality, says German MEP

April 24 2024, 12:48


German MEP Martin Sonneborn stated in an interview with Armenpress that he considers the Armenian Genocide not just a tragedy of the past but a continuous reality.

“Recently, over 100,000 Armenians were forced to leave their homes in Artsakh due to barbaric Azerbaijani occupiers. The destruction of cultural sites, churches, and entire villages in Artsakh has added to the terrible history of the Armenian genocide.

Even more concerning is that the European Union is standing idly by, supporting the aggressors through gas deals, and failing to take any action. This demonstrates the incompetence and lack of morality of the EU leadership.

The Armenian people are suffering, and it’s time for the EU to take a stand. I apologize for the EU’s moral downfall on behalf of my party,’’ Sonneborn said.