Arthur Khachikyan: We are being treated like a colony, Cohen-Pashinyan meeting is a protocol mistake

May 23 2024, 10:20


Speaking with Alpha News, PhD from Stanford University Arthur Khachikyan described the meeting between Pashinyan and the deputy head of the CIA as a gross diplomatic mistake.

“This meeting is extremely wrong. It is a gross diplomatic violation. Heads of state should meet with people of equal rank. So, when an intelligence agency official, especially one of secondary rank, meets with the head of the country, it means they treat us as a colony. Only colonies are treated this way,” Arthur Khachikyan said.

The political scientist listed all the points that were definitely not discussed at the meeting between Pashinyan and David Cohen.

“They definitely did not discuss Karabakh or the return of Armenians to Artsakh. Of course, they did not talk about providing the Armenians with any real military aid, did not discuss a military alliance or security guarantees. What could be the true purpose of the meeting? Most likely, it was about receiving a report on the work done and giving further instructions on how to withdraw Russia from the region to the detriment of the Armenian people,” Arthur Khachikyan stressed.

The political scientist compared the 65 million dollars that the United States provided to Armenia in aid with the 305 billion provided to Ukraine and noted that these 65 million will be spent on the activities of NGOs that will promote democracy and human rights. They will conduct such propaganda in conditions where a war is being waged against Armenia and not a single democratic country is providing real military aid.