Artsakh is a historical lesson that should give Armenia new strength – Sergey Karnaukhov

August 10 2024, 18:00


Speaking with Alpha News, public figure Sergey Karnaukhov commented on whether the Karabakh issue is closed or whether certain steps can be taken in this direction.

“The Karabakh issue should be divided into two parts: emotional and factual. The emotional one, of course, is not closed. How can it be closed when this is the place where your grandparents lie, where the whole history of Armenia lies, where ‘khachkars’ have been standing since the ninth century?

This is the central, deep part of Armenia. Now it is gone. How can you say goodbye to it? You can’t. As for the factual part, we live in a time of political realism, and there is nothing, as it seems to me, more flawed and erroneous than making the return of a certain territory a national idea. For a long time, Azerbaijan had as a national dream the return of Karabakh. They have returned it, and I want to ask them if they are happy after killing so many people, cutting so many heads, and enjoying how an old man dies? This is premeditated murder with aggravating circumstances,” Karnaukhov noted.

According to him, Artsakh is now a historical lesson that should give Armenia new strength to live.

“This is my personal opinion; I do not insist, but Armenia should not make it a national idea to take back this territory. Because this means that instead of developing, building innovative industries, becoming the strongest economy in the region, the most powerful educational center, and so on, Armenia will cultivate thugs whose only dream will be to take back this territory, retake, cut the heads of Azerbaijanis, and so on. No, we are not like that. They may kill and enjoy, but we are not like that. That’s why it seems to me that talking about Artsakh is talking about building a strong Armenia. In other words, Artsakh is a reason. Artsakh is now a historical lesson that should give Armenia new strength to live. I am not going to answer now whether to return Artsakh or not, because now there is no point in talking about it. There should be a strategy for many decades,” Karnaukhov said.

According to the expert, Pashinyan and his entourage will give everything to Azerbaijan piece by piece.

“A terrible war happened, but no one began to live differently. Armenia has not united. Armenia, on the contrary, has split. Armenia has fallen ill with Russophobia and Russophobia is a very bad diagnosis. This is a disgusting diagnosis. It’s like cancer. If Armenia continues to suffer from this and does not start treatment, it will become Ukraine. The heart of Armenia was taken away. Judging by the way Azerbaijan is moving, they have the idea of ‘Irevan’. Will Azerbaijan brutally attack Armenia? Of course not. Because people like Pashinyan and his entourage will give everything piece by piece, and all this will slowly disappear. And Azerbaijan, as a normal state, will not reject anything that will be given to it,” Karnaukhov concluded.