Basque Parliament holds hearing on Artsakh situation

November 13 2023, 13:50


The Committee on European Affairs and External Action of the Basque Parliament held a hearing on the situation in Artsakh, with Spanish-Armenian lawyer Levón Grigorián delivering a briefing on the situation.

Grigorián stressed that the protection of human rights is a responsibility that goes beyond any political, cultural, or ethnic differences.

“Regardless of our origin, it is important that we unite in this common work. Ethnic cleansings are a direct violation of human dignity and the main human right, the right to life. The rights of the population of Nagorno-Karabakh require international protection, while the status of Nagorno-Karabakh cannot be determined by the war started by Azerbaijan,” the lawyer said.

Grigorián called for an independent investigation into crimes against humanity committed by Azerbaijani authorities, claiming that sanctions against the current Azerbaijani regime would be crucial for preventing the possibility of a new Armenian genocide.