Bundestag member says West is not ready to spoil relations with Azerbaijan in support of Armenia

November 03 2023, 11:10

Opinion | Politics

Member of the German Bundestag Eugen Schmidt commented to Alpha News on the interests that the West is pursuing in the South Caucasus.

According to Schmidt, the focus of the West has shifted towards Azerbaijan due to Europe’s energy dependence on it.

“Of course, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are interesting to the West, but here the focus is shifting more towards Azerbaijan due to Europe’s dependence on gas supplies. Therefore, the focus is dictated by Europe’s own economic interests,” Schmidt said.

According to Schmidt, the West’s goal is to oust Russia from the South Caucasus.

“It is no secret that the West is trying to isolate Russia. Close and friendly relations between Armenia and Russia are considered a negative factor, and therefore the West is trying to establish contacts with the Armenian leadership. They discuss the topic of Nagorno-Karabakh, including humanitarian problems related to Armenian refugees. We recently hosted the Armenian delegation in the Bundestag. Everything is discussed here, but globally, the West is not ready to spoil its relations with Azerbaijan for the sake of supporting Armenia,” he said.

In local media, the topic of Nagrono-Karabakh is broadcast with cautious criticism of Azerbaijan, Schmidt noted.

“There is cautious criticism in the local media since there are a lot of refugees, but at the state level, I do not notice any cooling of relations with Azerbaijan. That is, there is a condemnation of the policy in Nagorno-Karabakh, but de facto everything remains as it is,” the Bundestag member said.