CNN viewers name winner of Biden-Trump debate

June 28 2024, 16:44


67% of voters who watched CNN’s presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump largely believe Trump outperformed Biden, while 33% of voters supported Biden, according to a CNN poll.

57% of voters expressed a lack of confidence in Biden’s ability to lead the country, and 44% said they were not confident in Trump. At the same time, only 14% said they had confidence in Biden, while 36% said the same about Trump.

In a pre-debate poll, 55% of viewers voted for Trump, 45% voted for Biden. 55% said they had no confidence in Biden and 47% said they had no confidence in Trump.

The US presidential election is scheduled for November 5, 2024. Trump and Biden are expected to be the main contenders for the post. According to a Bloomberg News and Morning Consult poll, 82% of respondents believe the 81-year-old Democrat is “too old”, and 59% call the Republican “too dangerous”.