Davit Jamalyan: Today’s Armenia is more limited in its sovereignty than Soviet Armenia

April 13 2024, 12:20


Today’s Armenia is much more limited in its sovereignty than, for example, Soviet Armenia under Karen Demirchyan, military expert Davit Jamalyan told Alpha News.

“Even after the shameful surrender of 2020, we still had military figures who could have used their voices, but they were gradually removed from the system. Unfortunately, I must note that at the highest level of leadership, we have simply complaisant figures. In my opinion, today’s Armenia is much more limited in its sovereignty than, let’s say, Soviet Armenia under Karen Demirchyan, although now we have institutions that we did not have in the Soviet years, for example, the army. However, we have a problem with the functionality of these institutions; that is, in fact, today we almost do not exist as a subject,” Jamalyan said.

According to the military expert, with today’s borders, Armenia could only exist as a subject within the Soviet Union.

“Today the level of our sovereignty is experiencing a shameful decline. Under Karen Demirchyan, the Armenian SSR was more sovereign within the Soviet Union, but now, at the level of actual sovereignty, we are simply in a terrible situation. This is a tragedy. In general, within today’s borders, Armenia could only be a subject within the Soviet Union. With today’s borders, Armenia cannot exist as an independent state, surrounded by the aggressive Turkish-Azerbaijani duo,” he said. 

Jamalyan is confident that Artsakh is the key to the existence of Armenia, and we are obliged to return it under our control. 

“For us to have a resource of viability, we must set ourselves the task of regaining control over Artsakh to ensure the viability of statehood. If Artsakh is not Armenian, then Armenia will not be able to exist for long within its current borders. Artsakh was the basis for and guarantee of our independence. If there is no Artsakh, we cannot have any future prospects with these borders,” Jamalyan concluded.