Dmitry Peskov: Russia expects to clarify Pashinyan’s words on diversification of security relations

October 26 2023, 16:10


Moscow expects to clarify with Yerevan what Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan meant when he spoke about the need to diversify relations in the security sphere, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

Earlier, Pashinyan told the Wall Street Journal that “the events in Artsakh essentially brought Yerevan to a decision on the need to diversify relationships in the security sphere.”

“In this case, we are not inclined to perceive the Wall Street Journal as the primary source, so we still need to understand exactly what Mr. Pashinyan was talking about. Surely, we hope to get all the information in a conversation with our Armenian friends. And, of course, it is not good for Russia and Armenia to communicate through newspapers, especially the Wall Street Journal. Therefore, we will continue the dialogue with our Armenian friends. We have a broad agenda,” Peskov said.

The Kremlin spokesperson also stressed that the Russian side continues its efforts and “attempts to help Yerevan and Baku reach a peace treaty after all.”

“This is necessary to stabilize the situation in the region and to reach a more positive and constructive standard of living in the entire region,” Peskov concluded.