Elizabeth Chouldjian: We hope that more senators will join the resolution 

February 14 2024, 11:37


Azerbaijan has constantly subjected the people of Artsakh to genocide, and today it continues to put pressure on Armenia, ANCA Communications Director Elizabeth Chouldjian said in a conversation with Alpha News.

“US Senators Ed Markey and Bill Cassidy introduced a bipartisan resolution to Congress. Nine senators have currently joined the resolution, and we hope that this number will increase in the coming days. The resolution is based on the US Foreign Assistance Act, which defines the basis on which the government must provide foreign assistance. Section 502B(c) of this Act states that the United States shall not provide military assistance to a country that engages in a consistent pattern of human rights violations. This is precisely the policy of the government of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan has constantly subjected the people of Artsakh to genocide, and today it continues to put pressure on Armenia.

By adopting this resolution, the senators demand that the US State Department submit a report within 30 days on human rights violations by Azerbaijan and include in it the genocide of the Artsakh people. If the report is not submitted within the specified period, the United States must halt all military assistance to Azerbaijan. Based on this report, another resolution should be presented, stating that the US government must completely ban military support for Azerbaijan,” Chouldjian noted.
According to her, Biden failed to condemn Azerbaijan for the genocide of the people of Artsakh and further pressure on the Armenian people due to his cowardly policy.

“The Armenian National Committee of America is carrying out special work to increase the number of its supporters to discuss this resolution in the Senate. Immediately after the election in Azerbaijan, the US Embassy in Baku issued a statement, saying it shared the observer mission’s concerns that the election was conducted without real competition. But this is not enough. President Biden, knowing that genocide was committed against the people of Artsakh and seeing that Azerbaijan is not withdrawing its troops from Armenian territory and Aliyev continues his aggression against Armenia, did not make a single condemning statement. The US Embassy issued a statement, but it is not enough. President Biden’s silence is just pure cowardice, and that’s it,” Chouldjian concluded.