Entry of foreign troops into South Caucasus does not contribute to stability, says Iran MFA spox 

April 22 2024, 18:42


Iran has always emphasized that the entry of foreign troops into the South Caucasus does not contribute to security and stability, nor does it ensure the interests of the regional countries, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said on Monday, Mehr News Agency reports.

According to Kanaani, security in the South Caucasus is one of the important priorities of Iran. Iran’s strategy is to hold negotiations and multilateral dialogue using the existing mechanisms to resolve differences and establish peace, stability, and security in the South Caucasus, he said.

“Any approach aimed at increasing militarization in the South Caucasus will complicate the security situation and harm the peace process in the region, and Iran will not accept that. The countries of the region do not want to form mechanisms that will complicate the situation in the region,” he added.