Erdogan is building his empire — Yevgeny Satanovsky on common Turkic alphabet

September 13 2024, 14:17

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Russian political scientist Yevgeny Satanovsky commented on the adoption of the common Turkic alphabet at the Summit of the Turkic States.

“Empires are being built, strengthened, disintegrated, and weakened. Recep Tayyip Erdogan is building his empire as best he can. He is talented at this. With minimal resources, based, among other things, on Russian technologies, on Russian energy carriers, and on Russian money in many ways and at Russian expense. It is as clear as day. We’ll see what happens later.

For Erdogan, this (the common alphabet) is about the implementation of those plans that the Turkish sultans and the Young Turks had not implemented,” the political scientist said.

According to the expert, the common alphabet is a way of expansion, and diplomatic ways of countering this are secondary compared to military ones.

“The entire Turkish foreign policy is an expansion on Russian, Iranian, and Chinese interests, if we talk about Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Region, where Turks strongly support local separatists; the interests of the European Union, if we talk about Turkey’s influence on Turkish and generally Islamic communities of the European Union and Hungary. So what? Well, yes, Turkish policy today is a policy of expansion—a very successful one. The expansion to Africa, to Europe, to Asia, then everywhere. Everyone knows that.

Diplomacy cannot do anything about this kind of thing. Diplomats are by definition limited in their tools. That is why what the army can do will provide a basis for the diplomats’ actions,” Satanovsky concluded.